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Key Program Components

The JPP program uses a two-generation approach to deliver wrap-around services in five key areas: employment, education, mental health and wellness, economic mobility, and social capital. JPP coaches work with both parents and children to achieve long-term success in these areas.

Kids in Art Class

Education & Youth Development

Access to quality education is a critical strategy to breaking the cycle of generational poverty. JPP supports students along the educational continuum to ensure they graduate high school, are ready for post-secondary learning, and have access to education pathways that enhance their quality of life. Services include tuition/ financial aid assistance, enrollment and application assistance, college tours, tutoring, transportation, training classes, and youth experiences that build leadership skills and prepare them for post-secondary opportunities.


90% of JPP students graduate high school on time.

We provide educational advocacy, IEP/504 support, and parent education around the importance of school attendance. A parent’s level of educational attainment is also a strong predictor of a child’s success. JPP also supports parents with returning to school, completing degrees, and overcoming barriers such as applying for financial aid.

Ensuring graduation starts with early childhood education. JPP is located in the Head Start building, allowing us to start focusing on high school graduation with children three years old and sometimes even younger.  


Employment Pathways

We prioritize finding livable wage employment that meets the needs of the individual. When identifying meaningful employment pathways we consider quality of life, financials, work hours, benefits, and location that lead to sustainable wages and job satisfaction.


70% of JPP families gain employment in the first six months of enrollment.

Our support includes personalized coaching to help individuals acquire job skills and access on-the-job training, paid internships, apprenticeships, and education for higher-paying jobs.

Modern Doctors

Mental Health & Wellness

Healthier families tend to excel as parents, employees, and foster academic success in their children. JPP coaches help families navigate the healthcare system and connect them with mental, physical, and behavioral healthcare providers based on their individual needs, and resources to improve health literacy to promote long-term health outcomes.

90% of JPP families have healthcare and utilize preventative care.  

Our services include health literacy education, proper dental, and mental and physical health services and ensure prevention services are utilized and substance abuse intervention, classes to develop healthy eating habits and physical activity, building relationships, coping skills, self-awareness, stress reduction, and Medicaid application assistance.  

Economic Mobility

Improving financial literacy and building economic assets are two of JPP's biggest strengths. We assist families in setting financial goals, devising strategies to reduce debt, and improving financial literacy through educational courses. Our services include financial education around building credit, saving for a house or car, and paying off debt.

70% of JPP families engage in financial literacy programming.


Financial stability is critical to a family’s economic and social mobility. A relatively small increase in household income can have a significant, lasting positive impact on the life of a child. A $3,000 difference in parents’ income, when their child is young, is associated with a 17% increase in the child’s future earnings.

Economic Stability
Social Capital

Social Connection

Social capital is the secret sauce of the JPP program. Families come together to share stories and inspire one another to continue making positive changes in their lives. It’s a novel and key success factor to the two-generation approach as it builds on the strength and resilience of families and bolsters the aspirations parents have for themselves and their children. 


Throughout the year, we host monthly meetings, community dinners, and workshops on financial literacy, mental health, stress reduction, parenting, career exploration, and children's activities. These events foster a sense of belonging, provide a safe environment for youth and families to connect, and help build self-confidence toward self-sufficiency. 

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