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Family Event Sponsorships

At JPP, we believe in the power of community, especially during celebrations and holidays. Families facing poverty often feel isolated, missing out on the joy of holiday events and the warmth of a connected community. That's where we come in! JPP hosts monthly family events to build a sense of togetherness and celebrate milestones.

Family Celebrations

Rynn Grad
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Our June Achievement Ceremony celebrates members' accomplishments in education, employment, and economic stability over the past year. It embodies our collective aspirations for growth, prosperity, self-improvement, and making a positive impact. Your sponsorship offers awards, delicious food, childcare, printed programs, and a comfortable outdoor setting.

Achievement Ceremony

High School Graduation 2025

Join our May celebration, where we honor our remarkable JPP high school graduates. It's a day of gifts, laughter, and unforgettable family fun. Your sponsorship ensures graduates receive well-deserved recognition with gift baskets, delicious food and cake, and childcare services to ensure everyone can fully participate in the festivities.

High School Graduation

Whole-Family Success

Searching and Shopping 2024
Searching and Shopping 2025

We are excited to invite you to partner with us for our annual Searching and Shopping Event, dedicated to empowering individuals in their career journey. This special event will offer attendees the chance to browse professional attire, enjoy a delicious coffee and breakfast, and participate in hands-on resume-building workshops and interview preparation sessions.

Searching and Shopping

Back to School Bash 2025

Our August back-to-school bash provides parents with information on how to support their children's success in school. The Action Center will provide school supply-filled backpacks for a strong start. Your sponsorship guarantees delicious food, childcare for parents, and exciting activities for kids. It's the perfect opportunity to empower our kids for a successful new school year!

Back to School Bash

Holiday Family Fun

2023 Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkin Patch 2025

Get into the spirit of autumn and join the community for a heartwarming October tradition. By sponsoring this event, you'll be bringing smiles to JPP families, supporting Habitat for Humanity, and nurturing valuable community ties. Plus, capture some picture-perfect moments with loved ones amidst the pumpkin patch.

Fall Pumpkin Patch

Thanksgiving 2025

Our November event is a celebration of gratitude and togetherness. Your sponsorship provides a heartwarming Thanksgiving dinner, childcare for parents, and creative projects for families. Join us in making this holiday season special and meaningful for our community.

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Gingerbread House Contest 2025

Our festive year-end celebration is an event to remember. Children and families showcase their creativity at the Annual Gingerbread House Contest. The top five winners receive fantastic gifts, adding holiday magic. Your sponsorship includes gift cards, gingerbread house materials, and a delightful family dinner.

Gingerbread House Contest

JPP Family Event Sponsors

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If you are interested in sponsoring a JPP Family Event, contact Roxy Dunaway.

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