“To be someone who has been on state assistance, worked minimum wage jobs, and was a single mom at 17, I wouldn't be where I am now if I had given up,” says Maria, a dedicated mother and entrepreneur.

When she joined JPP in 2019 with ambitious goals like paying down her debt, continuing her education, and building her childcare business, Maria was skeptical of the difference JPP could make. What she found was a vibrant community that motivated her to pursue her dreams with renewed vigor and provided a robust support network and access to valuable resources to achieve her goals.
Today, Maria graduates from JPP as a proud homeowner with a thriving childcare business and a bright future. Reflecting on her journey, Maria describes JPP as her biggest cheerleader. "When I felt like I couldn't do it, they were always there, asking how I was doing, and if I needed any resources or assistance," says Maria. "Their support boosted my confidence, and changed my mentality about what the program could offer."

One of Maria’s proudest accomplishments is furthering her education in accounting, which helped her become a more self-sufficient business owner. With support from her coach, Maria enrolled in business accounting classes, empowering her to take control of her business's financial health. This education led to significant growth in her childcare enterprise and an increase in her income. Maria’s coach, Suzanne, praises her as a relentless go-getter who continually strives for the next big thing.
Maria’s future goals include continuing to pay down her debts, paying off her mortgage early, traveling with her children, and furthering her education to support her business. She is currently working towards her real estate license, and dreams of helping the community by investing in properties to provide low-income housing for families in need. “Pursuing real estate isn't necessarily about making money,” Maria says. “It's more about giving back to the community the way the community has given back to me.”
Maria's message to families considering joining JPP, or those already on their path to self-sufficiency, is one of encouragement and resilience: "If I can do it, you can do it. It's not easy, but it's doable. Don't let pride hold you back from accepting help. Sometimes you need that support."
Maria’s journey to becoming a successful business owner and homeowner is a testament to her resilience and determination. Her story continues to inspire and uplift those around her, demonstrating that with the right support and mindset, incredible transformations are possible.